Equity and inclusion are the foundation of strong communities and a resilient state. Whether during a period of growth or during an economic downturn, every Floridian, no matter their background or walk of life, should be able to access the opportunities and resources needed to lead a safe, healthy, and prosperous life.
But too many of our family members, neighbors, friends, and fellow Floridians are unable to make ends meet, let alone access the things they need to achieve any degree of prosperity or economic mobility. Floridians of color, immigrants, and returning citizens too often face systemic barriers obtaining jobs, an education, medical care, and other critical assistance and services. Florida's inequitable justice system under-invests in the things that help inmates and returning citizens lead lives of dignity after completing their sentences like health care, education and training, re-entry, and rehabilitation programs. And when faced with hard times, our state's safety net should ensure that all Floridians can adequately provide for themselves and their families as they work to get back on their feet.

These barriers that people face reflect the deep inequities that exist in our economy and society as a whole. In order for all Florida to be a state in which everyone benefits from growth and prosperity, our policies must actively work to remove these barriers and expand economic opportunity for all.