County-Level Map of FY 2024-25 Budget Vetoes

For Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25, Gov. Ron DeSantis vetoed a total of $949.6 million, an 86 percent increase compared to last fiscal year’s vetoes ($511 million). The governor's vetoes are available for consideration, by the Legislature, until the end of the next regular session. The Legislature can override or set aside the governor’s vetoes if two-thirds of the members of each chamber vote to do so. 

The following tool looks at the governor’s vetoes by single county, which account for $670 million (71 percent) of all FY 2024-25 vetoes. The majority of these vetoes impact specific member projects or programs. While member projects can be effective in directing funding to community needs, earmarks also pose challenges related to transparency, competition among legislators, and the potential misallocation of state resources. Consequently, it is important for legislators to carefully consider the impact of earmarks and for the public to hold policymakers accountable for their choices. 

To assist the public and add transparency concerning this year’s vetoes, Florida Policy Institute has developed a tool to show vetoes as they impact counties. To use the tool, you can select any county (or combination of counties) to see the line-items removed from the General Appropriations Act FY 2024-25; click on the map directly; or scroll through the table. Finally, the tool omits line-item vetoes of appropriations that impact statewide operations ($269 million) and items that impact multiple counties ($10 million).

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