Executive Summary
Legislation[1] was introduced during the January 2025 special legislative session that would repeal Florida’s tuition fairness law.[2] This law, which passed with bipartisan support in 2014, requires that colleges, universities, and postsecondary institutions waive out-of-state tuition for certain undocumented students who graduated high school in the state.
Also known as “Dreamers” after the federal DREAM Act, these young people were brought to the United States as children and often do not remember living in any other country.
Florida Policy Institute found that by repealing HB 851, the state would lose revenue and other economic contributions of young immigrants. Specifically:
- Over 6,500 Florida undergraduates benefitted from nonresident waivers in the 2023-24 academic year alone, and over 63,000 waivers have been granted since 2014.
- Eliminating the waivers would mean Florida’s institutions, as a whole, could lose out on nearly $15 million in tuition and fees.[3]
- Most out-of-state fee waivers are granted to college and university students, with a nominal number of technical college/charter career center attendees receiving them.
Repealing the state’s tuition fairness law would impede young immigrants’ ability to succeed, earn higher wages, and contribute further to Florida’s economic prosperity.
The Florida Department of Education believes “Every [emphasis added] hard-working student deserves a real opportunity to earn an affordable, high-quality degree or credential that offers a clear path to civic engagement.”[4] Yet, Florida’s young immigrants who are undocumented face myriad barriers to higher education and economic prosperity. Also known as “Dreamers” after the federal DREAM Act, these young people were brought to the United States as children and often do not remember living in any other country. Florida’s 21,000-plus Dreamers[5] are ineligible for federal and state financial aid, making the cost of college insurmountable for most.
Fortunately, states have begun to recognize Dreamers’ potential by passing tuition equity laws for immigrants, regardless of documentation status. At least 25 states, plus the District of Columbia, now extend in-state tuition to their Dreamer population, including Florida.[6] Florida lawmakers have pushed to reverse this progress, as the Legislature passed a measure that would repeal the state’s tuition equity law, among numerous anti-immigrant measures.[7]
The Legislature considered repealing Florida’s tuition fairness law in 2023, but stiff pushback from advocates prevented it.[8] The 2014 law was intended to benefit Dreamers,[9] so with a few possible exceptions, waivers granted under this tuition equity policy impact young, undocumented students.
Under Florida law,[10] all institutions that grant nonresident waivers (a.k.a. out-of-state fee waivers) are required to report the number and value of waivers granted to the Florida Board of Governors (which oversees state universities) and Florida Department of Education (which oversees state colleges — also known as community colleges — and district postsecondary institutions). Thus, the waiver data reported are those granted under Florida’s 2014 tuition equity law and are referenced as Dreamer or nonresident waivers throughout this brief.
To determine the potential implications of such a repeal, Florida Policy Institute examined trends in nonresident waivers awarded to Florida’s Dreamer students since the law passed in 2014.
Thousands Have Benefitted From Tuition Fairness Since 2014
FPI received waiver data from 2014-15 to 2023-24 for Florida’s universities and community colleges. Only 2017-18 to 2021-22 data was available for district postsecondary institutions (DPIs), but DPIs grant very few waivers overall. Across Florida’s universities and community colleges, 6,850 Dreamers were granted out-of-state fee waivers, on average, from 2014-15 to 2023-24. In total, at least 63,103 waivers have been granted to Dreamers since the 2014 law passed. Most nonresident waivers go to community college students. A substantial, yet smaller number, go to university students, and hardly any go to district technical colleges/career centers.
Universities (State University System)
State University System (SUS) data[11] show that 17,400 waivers have been granted to Dreamers so that they could pay in-state university tuition since 2014, an average of 1,740 students per academic year. (See Figure 1.) This includes 2,005 Dreamers in the most recent academic year (2023-24).
Community Colleges (Florida College System)
Many more Dreamers attend state colleges than universities. Florida College System (FCS) data[12] show that 45,666 nonresident waivers have been granted to Dreamers since 2014, an average of 4,570 students per academic year. (See Figure 1.) This includes 4,573 Dreamers in the most recent academic year (2023-24), more than double the number of Dreamers granted university waivers.
Technical Colleges and Career Centers
The number of Dreamers paying in-state tuition with the waiver at Florida’s 52 technical colleges and career centers (i.e., district postsecondary institutions) is minuscule compared to their community college and university peers. An average of only seven Dreamers received district postsecondary institution (DPI) waivers from academic years 2017-18 to 2020-21 (data years available as of the date of publication), with the maximum reaching 11 in the 2018-19 academic year.
Nonresident Waivers are a Small Fraction of Total Waivers and Exemptions Granted
Nonresident waivers are only one of several kinds of tuition waivers and exemptions granted by the state of Florida. Other waivers include those aimed at veterans, dual-enrollment students, and non-residents whose grandparents are Florida residents, to name a few.[13] In 2023-24, of the 222,112 waivers and exemptions granted by the state’s universities and community colleges, only 6,578 were nonresident waivers, or just 3 percent of the total (See Figure 2.)
The Benefits of Tuition Equity are Substantial
Educational outcomes
Without waivers, Dreamers would likely be locked out of higher education, therefore missing out on the increased spending power, opportunity to contribute their talents, and numerous other benefits that go along with a postsecondary degree. Florida would miss out on the increased educational attainment for its residents and the corresponding economic boost. Acknowledging the benefits of a credentialed workforce, Gov. Ron DeSantis in 2019 signed HB 7071, a workforce education bill that included the “SAIL to 60” initiative. SAIL to 60 establishes a goal for the state to raise the rate of working-age Floridians with a degree or high-value postsecondary certificate to 60 percent by 2030.[14] Moreover, at a time when enrollment in Florida’s 28-member college system remains 11 percent below pre-pandemic levels,[15] recognizing young immigrants’ contributions to higher education has never been more critical.
Nationally, 27 percent of undocumented graduate students have STEM undergraduate degrees; while the share is unknown for Florida, it is likely on par or higher, given Florida is one of the top three states for Dreamer students. [18] That number could drop if Florida repeals in-state tuition for Dreamers.
The Florida Board of Governors, which oversees the state university system, has prioritized the need for a more educated, specialized workforce in its recent strategic plan. To make this happen, the board highlights the need for more bachelor's degrees and additional STEM graduates in particular.[16] STEM fields like architecture, engineering, information technology, and mathematics are just a few of the areas in which state business advocates point out ongoing shortages and a need for skilled, educated workers to fulfill industry roles.[17] Nationally, 27 percent of undocumented graduate students have STEM undergraduate degrees; while the share is unknown for Florida, it is likely on par or higher, given Florida is one of the top three states for Dreamer students. [18] That number could drop if Florida repeals in-state tuition for Dreamers.
Economic outcomes
Florida College System Revenue
Institutions would lose money if waivers were not provided, as fewer undocumented youth would enroll because they would not be able to afford the high cost of out-of-state rates.[19] In the 2023-2024 academic year alone, over 6,500 Florida Dreamers with a nonresident waiver paid $26.7 million in in-state tuition at state colleges and universities.
Among these, 4,573 students paid $14.7 million just to Florida’s colleges. (See Figure 3.) Given the Florida College System (FCS)’s open enrollment policy, the state could lose nearly $15 million by denying Florida’s Dreamers nonresident fee waivers. Open enrollment, sometimes called open admissions, means that any person with a high school or general education degree can enroll — the institution is not “selective.” At a time when enrollment in Florida’s 28-member college system remains 11 percent below pre-pandemic levels, according to data from FY 2023-24, it is unlikely that over 4,500 new students would enroll to replace Dreamers barred from in-state tuition rates, as legislation proposes doing.[20]

Not only does receiving in-state tuition rates empower Dreamers to enroll in and complete degree programs that the state has prioritized[21] — it also leads to a more skilled and better-paid workforce overall. This allows working Floridians to become economically stable and secure. It also helps Florida businesses address key labor shortages,[22] and over time, stimulates local and state economies.
Earnings and Taxes
When the state gives young people — including immigrants without a documented status — better access to higher education, they earn more upon graduating each step of the way. Inflation-adjusted estimates of 2021-22 earnings data (latest available) shows that the average annual wage of a Florida high school graduate is just $39,000. Conversely, Floridians with a certificate, associate, or bachelor’s degree average $58,000, $60,000, and $69,000 each year, respectively. (See Figure 4.)
Moreover, despite not being granted citizenship or a documented immigration status (and most of the societal benefits that go along with those privileges), Florida’s undocumented immigrants contribute $1.8 billion annually in state and local taxes,[23] approximately $134.8 million of which is estimated to be from DACA-eligible and DACA-recipient youth.[24] Data also shows that while those without documentation have an average income of $33,900, DACA recipients earn $52,500 because of their increased work authorization and opportunities.[25] Thus, ensuring that all youth — no matter their immigration status — have access to higher education remains pivotal to Florida reaching its workforce goals.
Dreamers Cannot Afford College Without In-State Tuition
In-state tuition, on average, is $8,500 to $15,000 cheaper than out-of-state tuition for Florida’s public colleges and universities, respectively. (See Figure 5.) Without nonresident fee waivers, Florida Dreamers would have few alternatives, forcing many to forego higher education entirely. An estimated 61 percent (467,000) of Florida’s 772,000 undocumented residents live in households with income below 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines.[26] For one person, that equates to less than $31,300 per year. [27] Meanwhile, the average annual cost of out-of-state tuition at public universities in Florida is $21,000. Costs are even higher among many of the institutions that grant the most waivers to Dreamers. (See Figure 5.)
Despite their relative affordability compared to universities, college enrollment rates remain 11 percent lower than before the COVID-19 pandemic, meaning there are 36,161 fewer full-time enrollments.[28] Shutting out thousands of undocumented students — many of whom end up in STEM fields[29] that the state has identified as strategically important — will cost Florida revenue, skilled labor, and the unique contributions of these young Floridians.
Policy Recommendation
Florida continues to prioritize growing its competitive workforce and ensuring that the state attracts business, talent, and revenue to thrive. Pulling the rug out from under young immigrant high school graduates — who have been counting on in-state rates since the state passed tuition equity almost a decade ago — will further none of these state goals.
Instead of repealing tuition fairness and punishing Dreamer Floridians who cannot secure a path to citizenship until the federal government changes course, Florida should empower all its young people to thrive.
Methodology Notes
The data throughout this analysis is relegated to Florida undergraduate programs and institutions since they are the focus of Florida Statute 1009.26(12) granting eligible immigrant students out-of-state fee waivers. Graduate students remain ineligible. The institutions included are Florida’s 12 universities, 28 colleges, and the state’s 52 district postsecondary institutions, which are primarily technical colleges. (See list in Appendix.) The levels of study considered were bachelor's and associate degrees, along with subbaccalaureate certificates.
Postsecondary Tuition and Fee Waivers
State University System (SUS) data is reported by the Florida Board of Governors (BOG); the Florida College System (FCS) and District Postsecondary Institution (DPI) data is reported by the Florida Department of Education. SUS data for 2019-20 to 2023-24 are available on the BOG dashboard, and FPI requested the data for academic years 2014-15 to 2018-19. FCS waiver data are readily available online, but the DPI data is not. FPI contacted the Florida Department of Division of Career, Technical, and Adult Education for 2014-15 to 2023-24 reports on the number of waivers granted under F.S. 1009.26(12) but did not receive the requested data before publication; however, prior data from 2017 to 2021 shows that DPI waivers comprise a small number of those granted to Dreamers (fewer than 10 annually).
It should also be noted that while it is assumed most students to benefit from the nonresident fee waiver under F.S. 1009.26(12) are Dreamers, the state does not track waiver use by immigration status, so a small number of nonresident waivers may have gone to students who are not undocumented. This includes the unduplicated headcount of students receiving waivers in each academic year but does not disaggregate students who may receive waivers across multiple years.
[1] For the regular legislative session, the Legislature filed Florida SB 90, “Postsecondary Out-of-State Fee Waivers” (2025) and Florida SB 244, “Postsecondary Education” (2025). The governor called for a special session, however: Executive Office of the Governor, “Governor Ron DeSantis Announces Proposals for Immigration Special Session,” January 15, 2025, https://www.flgov.com/eog/news/press/2025/governor-ron-desantis-announces-proposals-immigration-special-session. On January 28, 2025, the Florida Legislature passed its own measure, which also included language to repeal tuition fairness: Florida SB 2-B, “Immigration (The TRUMP Act)” (2025).
[2] F.S. 1009.26(12).
[3] Alexis Tsoukalas and Esteban Leonardo Santis, “Ending Tuition Fairness Would be a Costly Mistake—for Families and Florida’s Higher Education Institutions,” January 15, 2025, https://www.floridapolicy.org/posts/ending-tuition-fairness-would-be-a-costly-mistake----for-families-and-floridas-higher-education-institutions.
[4] Florida Department of Education, “College and Textbook Affordability in the Florida College System, 2023,” November 2022, https://www.fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/5659/urlt/CollegeTextAfford.pdf.
[5] As of its latest data (September 2024), Migration Policy Institute estimates there are 21,280 DACA recipients in Florida with another 53,000 Floridians who are immediately eligible for DACA; Migration Policy Institute, “DACA Recipients & Eligible Population, By State,” 2024, https://www.migrationpolicy.org/programs/data-hub/deferred-action-childhood-arrivals-daca-profiles.
[6] Tanya Broder, “Basic Facts About In-State Tuition For Undocumented Immigrant Students,” National Immigration Law Center, updated June 1, 2024, https://www.nilc.org/issues/education/basic-facts-instate/.
[7] Florida SB 2-B, “Immigration (The TRUMP Act)” (2025).
[8] Mitch Perry, “Meet the students fighting against a potential repeal of in-state tuition for FL Dreamers,” April 18, 2023, https://floridaphoenix.com/2023/04/18/meet-the-students-fighting-against-a-potential-repeal-of-in-state-tuition-for-fl-dreamers/.
[9] Lauren Fox, “Florida Gov. Rick Scott Signs In-State Tuition Bill for ‘DREAMERS,’” U.S. News & World Report, June 9, 2-14, https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2014/06/09/florida-gov-rick-scott-signs-in-state-tuition-bill-for-DREAMERS. The Florida Board of Governors and Department of Education fee waiver and exemption reports specifically delineate waivers they grant under 1009.26(12), which is the codified statute of the 2014 tuition equity law.
[10] F.S. 1009.26(12).
[11] Florida Board of Governors, State University System of Florida, “Fee Waiver Summary,” 2018-19 to 2023-24, https://www.flbog.edu/resources/data-analytics/dashboards/fee-waiver-summary/. Data for 2014-15 through 2018-19 provided to FPI via email in January of 2025.
[12] Florida Department of Education, Florida College System, “Exemptions & Waivers Reports,” 2014-15 to 2023-24, https://www.fldoe.org/schools/higher-ed/fl-college-system/about-us/finance/exempt-waivers.stml.
[13] 2024 Florida Statutes, Title XLVIII Chapter 1009.26 Fee Waivers http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String&URL=1000-1099/1009/Sections/1009.26.html.
[14] Florida College Access Network, “Florida Adopts ’SAIL To 60’ Postsecondary Attainment Goal,” June 24, 2019, https://floridacollegeaccess.org/news/florida-adopts-sail-to-60-postsecondary-attainment-goal.
[15] Florida Office of Economic & Demographic Research, “Education Estimating Conference, Florida College System Enrollment,” August 9, 2024, https://edr.state.fl.us/content/conferences/communitycolleges/ExecutiveSummary.pdf.
[16] Florida Board of Governors, “2025 Systemic Strategic Plan,” revised November 2022, https://www.fldoe.org/newsroom/latest-news/icymi-governor-ron-desantis-announces-289-million-for-programs-that-close-achievement-gaps-improve-stem-education-and-boost-student-resiliency-.stml.
[17] Florida Chamber Foundation, “Florida Workforce Needs Study 2.0,” n.d., https://www.flchamber.com/floridaworkforceneedsstudy2?cn-reloaded=1.
[18] Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration, “Undocumented Students in U.S. Higher Education,” June 2024, https://www.presidentsalliance.org/undocumented-students-in-us-higher-education/.
[19] Broder.
[20] Tsoukalas and Santis.
[21] Florida Board of Governors, State University System of Florida, “New Programs of Strategic Emphasis (effective 2024-25 academic year),” updated November 9, 2023, https://www.flbog.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/PSE-List-11-9-23.pdf.
[22] Florida Chamber Foundation.
[23] Carl Davis et al., “Tax Payments by Undocumented Immigrants,” Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, July 30, 2024, https://itep.org/undocumented-immigrants-taxes-2024/.
[24] American Immigration Council, “Immigrants in Florida,” 2022, https://map.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/locations/florida/#.
[25] Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy analysis of U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey Public Use Microdata Sample, 2022, provided to Florida Policy Institute via email on January 17, 2025.
[26] Migration Policy Institute, “Profile of The Unauthorized Population: Florida,” 2019, https://www.migrationpolicy.org/data/unauthorized-immigrant-population/state/FL.
[27] U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, “HHS poverty Guidelines for 2025,” January 2025, https://aspe.hhs.gov/topics/poverty-economic-mobility/poverty-guidelines.
[28] Florida Office of Economic & Demographic Research, “Education Estimating Conference, Florida College System Enrollment,” August 9, 2024, https://edr.state.fl.us/content/conferences/communitycolleges/ExecutiveSummary.pdf.
[29] Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration.