May 16, 2018

Florida Ranks 36th on Economic Status of Women Index

In a recent factsheet compiled by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) — an organization that works to help identify areas of progress for women and pinpoint the areas that need work — Florida was awarded a D+ rating for female employment and earnings. This grade and the rankings that follow are determined by measurements of median annual earnings, percent of women in the workforce, percentage of working women in managerial or professional occupations and the earnings ratio between men and women.

The factsheet ranks Florida 36th in the nation in terms of economic opportunity for women. IWPR found that, in the Sunshine State:

  • The median annual earning for working women is only $35,000, which is about $5,000 less than what their male counterparts earn annually.
  • Women earn about 88 cents per every dollar that a man would earn.
  • While 53.7 percent of women are in the workforce, only 38.8 percent of them work in “Managerial or Professional Occupations.”

Although Florida falls short in terms of female economic opportunity, the state’s gender-based wage gap does show promise in comparison to other states. At the current level of wage disparity, it is not expected that women will receive equal pay until 2038. However, in the race to eliminate the gender-based wage gap, Florida is 3rd in the nation.

Heidi Hartmann, president of IWPR, noted: “If states really want to see their economies flourish, they will invest in improving the economic status of women, especially women of color, who tend to fare worse in all states.”[1]


[1]Institute for Women’s Policy Research. New State Grades on the Economic Status of Women Show Stagnant or Declining Progress in Most States. March 28, 2018.

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