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July 12, 2016

Sales Tax Holidays: Do They Help Florida Families Struggling to Make Ends Meet?

Florida is one of 17 states that will have a sales tax holiday in 2016 according to a review recently published by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP). During the state’s back-to-school sales tax holiday, August 5-7, sales tax will not be charged on school supplies priced under $15 and clothing priced under $60. The holiday is projected to cost the state $28.7 million in lost revenue.

The savings generated by a sales tax holiday are too temporary and limited to have a meaningful impact on financially struggling families. A tax holiday does little to change the regressive nature of Florida’s tax system.  Financially struggling families lack the resources necessary to make extensive tax exempt purchases during this three-day period and tend, instead, to allocate such purchases over multiple pay periods.

Sales tax holidays are ineffective way to help struggling families and provide more political benefits than policy benefits, ITEP concluded.  Accordingly, policymakers seeking to make the state tax system fairer should consider permanent refundable low-income sale tax credit programs or a state-level Earned Income Tax Credit program. These would offset the unfair burden of sales taxes on low and middle-income families.

According to ITEP, sales tax holidays do not help struggling families in any meaningful way for the following reasons:

  • Sales tax holidays are poorly targeted. They are not limited to poor families and are available to wealthy families and nonresidents.
  • Sales tax holidays cost revenues, can result in painful cuts to other core services or increases to other taxes.
  • Some retailers exploit sales tax holidays. One study found that some retailers in Florida adjusted their prices, capturing up to 20 percent of the tax savings intended for families.

Florida’s policy makers should look to invest the revenue lost to Florida’s sales tax holidays in ways that will provide benefits targeted to the state’s struggling families.

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