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February 4, 2017

Silver Linings in Governor's 2017-18 Budget Proposal

Governor Rick Scott’s “Fighting for Florida’s Future” budget proposal, despite the inclusion of additional tax reductions and subsidies geared to profitable businesses, does contain several positive recommendations.

There are some encouraging aspects of Governor Scott’s 2017-18 budget proposal, involving enhanced support of critical public services, which should be included and built upon in the legislative budget process. These include the following:

Maintaining Our Health

Support for health and human services initiatives include an additional:

  • $84.6 million for Florida KidCare medical insurance coverage, bringing the KidCare total to $480 million.
  • $308 million, including $113 million in state funding, for hospital inpatient services.

Investing in Our Children

The proposal includes additional investments to ensure very young children are prepared to begin their education, including:

  • $25 million to the School Readiness Program to serve more children and their families.
  • $15.5 million in Early Learning Performance Funding.

Enhancing Public Safety

The budget proposal also increases funding in public safety initiatives, including an additional:

  • $135 million for attracting 327 new correctional officers and providing pay increases to the current officers.
  • $20 million for deferred maintenance and repairs at state prisons.
  • $5.8 million to create 46 positions throughout the state for terrorism-related intelligence and investigations.

Improving Education

The proposal increases per-pupil aid by $242 per public school student (for a total of $7,421 per student) and includes an additional:

  • $11 million for Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK), which results in an annual $50 increase per VPK student and $43 per summer school VPK student.

$43 million for teacher recruitment and retention programs that include:

  • $10 million for $10,000 one-time hiring bonuses for those who score in the top 10 percent on the Teacher Certification Subject Area Exams.
  • $5 million for $10,000 teacher preparation scholarships for certain minority students who commit to teach in Florida for at least three years.
  • $5.9 million for scholarships of at least $20,000 for rural students who commit to teach in their rural school district for at least four years.
  • $16 million for targeted teacher recruitment and retention activities that meet a school district’s needs.
  • $6 million in teacher bonuses for high-performing teachers who move to or remain in a school graded “D” or “F.”

Preserving Our Environment

Support for initiatives to maintain and enhance our natural resources include an additional:

  • $93 million for Everglades restoration.
  • $80 million for water restoration assistance.
  • $60 million for the Indian River Lagoon, St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee estuary restoration.
  • $45 million for agricultural economic development.

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