March 22, 2024

Thousands of Florida kids lost Medicaid, now some have no coverage

Joe Mario Pederson writes:

"Erin Booth opened her mailbox and saw the letter from the Florida Department of Children and Families Services.

She knew what it was. Booth had been waiting for this letter for about a year: a Medicaid redetermination letter for her cancer-surviving, and recovering 8-year-old son.


What’s concerning experts is the amount of procedural disenrollments – or Medicaid terminations that occur when DCF does not hear back from recipients. This can occur for many reasons, including a changed address or if the recipient is unable to get through to Medicaid on its phone line. Ultimately, it means there are families losing Medicaid who may still qualify and are being terminated from coverage, said Erica Monet Li, a policy analyst with the Florida Policy Institute [emphasis added]."


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