Amber Nixon

Amber Nixon

Amber moved to Florida in 2016 as an AmeriCorps VISTA to build the capacity of a newly created financial coaching program at United Way Suncoast. She later became a program manager for the organization where she managed various financial stability initiatives across the Tampa Bay region including the tax assistance program, financial coaching, and matched savings for transportation, entrepreneurship, home ownership, and post-secondary education. Working with community members and volunteers on financial capability at the individual level sparked her interest in removing barriers to economic opportunity and advocating for long-term change at the systemic level. Personal experience and professional passion strengthen Amber’s ability to use her skills to engage in work that prioritizes community empowerment and racial equity. Amber is currently the Manager of Strategic Initiatives at Florida Policy Institute (FPI) where she leads key internal processes and external initiatives including the Safety Net Advocacy Coalition, The Florida Timeline, and building authentic partnerships that inform FPI’s research and make the policy process more inclusive of the people most impacted. Amber received her B.B.A. in accounting from the College of William and Mary.
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Amber Nixon